This product and all its colorways have been discontinued.
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Origin | 718
Origin is a rich texture woven with a woolen boucle yarn providing a fabric with luxurious tactility. The variegated structure and nature of this beautiful yarn gives warmth and life to the fabric. The tactility combined with the high quality of the fibers, allow you to be immersed in the physicality of the present moment while exploring the surface. The contrasting yarn colors in each colorway have been carefully selected to maximize the three-dimensional quality of the texture. The tones are earthy and gentle responding to the quality of the fabric rather than overpowering it. Origin is a part of the sustainable LIFE Textiles® Collection.
Key Features
Instyle Studio
76% Australian and New Zealand Wool, 15% Nylon, 9% Polyester
Width / Weight
54 inches / 24.74 oz/linear yard
Bolt Size