
Happy World Listening Day!

World Listening Day is here! You may have already heard about this holiday (see what we did there?) Or, you may be asking yourself, what is World Listening Day? Whether you’re new to the festivities or are a returning participant, getting involved — no matter what that looks like for you — we’ll help you explore the history of sound. Let’s discover all of the benefits gained from a deeper auditory understanding.

What is World Listening Day?

World Listening Day was created in 2010 to honor the achievements of Raymond Murray Schafer, the pioneer of what we refer to today as acoustic ecology. In short, acoustic ecology studies the relationship between humans and their environment, mediated through sound.

The holiday is set to happen every year on July 18th, and each year boasts a unique theme. The goal during this day of listening is to encourage everyone to take a step back from their hectic lives and promote true listening, not just hearing.

Learning How to Listen

That’s right — listening and hearing are two separate concepts. An important distinction to make when it comes to listening well is between sound and noise. Sound is everything that we hear, while noise is unwanted sounds. Learning to identify the difference between noise and sound is crucial to becoming an effective listener.

In fact, we often lose the ability to see (and hear) the beauty in our daily routines, as technology and our modern world make distractions all the more prevalent. Unfortunately, when our ability to hear important things is taken away, so is our ability to listen. We know it can be difficult to shut out the noise and listen intently to your surroundings. However, true listening is crucial to remaining calm and soothing your thoughts.

Noise in Your Life

So, just how large a problem is the noise in our lives?

On average, we listen to 20,000-30,000 words daily, but we also spend 30 minutes listening to unwanted noise. And did you know this noise can actually damage your brain? In fact, noise is everywhere, especially in places outside the home like the workspace. That’s why we’re here to tell you that taking steps to reduce noise can be life-changing — especially in your home or office.

How Can You Improve Listening?

If you’d like to reduce noise, dampen sound, and even improve the look of your space, we have you covered. Here are a few ideas from the experts on acoustics:

Acoustic Ceilings – No matter the style of your home or workplace, there are numerous ways to customize your ceiling and improve your sound physics (we promise, it‘s not as complicated as it sounds). Acoustic solutions like acoustic ceiling tiles are phenomenal at absorbing unwanted noise and look awesome on a ceiling, and acoustic baffles can add a unique flair, too!

  • Acoustic Panels – Acoustic panels provide tremendous value in terms of noise suppression, and they can look identical to standard building materials. Our favorites can even become a focal point in your room. Sound absorbing panels help create the relaxing atmosphere your space needs to minimize distractions and maximize your listening capabilities.
  • Acoustic Tiles – Today’s acoustic tiles double as both home decor and noise suppressors, making them perfect for a quick and effective fix for noise problems. Acoustic tiles come in a vast array of designs and colors, so you’ll find something for everyone.
  • Acoustic Lighting – Lighting that helps with acoustics? You read right! The careful attention to detail that’s put into these products will give your space fun and aesthetically pleasing shapes that pull the room together.
  • Cradle To Cradle Acoustics – “Cradle to Cradle” is a term describing a certification given to products guaranteed to have a circular manufacturing and consumption process. In other words, it positively impacts both the consumer and the environment throughout its life cycle. With these premium acoustic products, you can solve your noise issues through acoustical means — and you’ll even be environmentally conscious!

Making a Change

Now that you’ve learned about World Listening Day, the difference between sound and noise, and how acoustics can help you improve your listening skills, you’re ready to celebrate the holiday! Be sure to take the time to create a space that helps filter out the noise, and start listening to the sounds that matter the most to you. Happy World Listening Day 2022 from Unika Vaev!